Thursday, October 6, 2011

Des Moines Library Fall Festival

We enjoyed participating in the September Fall Festival at the park near the Forest Avenue branch of the Des Moines Library.

Lechon 2011

Thanks again to the Filipino American Association of Iowa for inviting us to perform at the Pig Roast in July.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

HAPA at Celebrasion

Attendees at the Celebrasion Festival in Des Moines braved the cold weather to watch HAPA perform Sakuting, a folk dance derived from a filipino martial art.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Indianola Spring Fun Fest

On Saturday April 30, the HAPA Filipino Folk Dancers entertained an audience at the Spring Fun Fest in Indianola.

The day was sunny and the mood was festive as Cyndi Chen, Tina DeVoe, Julie Hayes, and two youth dancers performed four traditional folk dances—La Jota MoncadeƱa, Kuratsa, Mazurka Boholana, and Sakuting.

HAPA Filipino Folk Dancers was founded in 2010 to embrace the diverse tradition of dance from the Philippines. The dance group learns, teaches, and performs filipino folk dances at events throughout central Iowa.  HAPA practices at Gateway Dance Theatre in Des Moines and is actively recruiting dancers and volunteers. Anyone ages 5 and up is welcome to participate.