Monday, December 20, 2010

IAA Holiday Party

What an honor to be invited to perform at the Holiay Party for the IAA!
Some photos from La Jota MoncadeƱa, courtesy of Allison...

International Day of Dance in Sioux City

We were delighted to be invited to perform at the International Day of Dance, at Western Iowa Technical College.  Thanks to Linda for the photos.
Mazurka Boholana

The audience takes a turn at Tinikling

Monday, October 18, 2010

FACES 2010

"Salamat" Thank you to the ISU Filipino Association for the invitation to perform at FACES in Ames. The weather was gorgeous and we taught several people the filipino national dance, Tinikling, in the participation area. Thank you to Ruby for allowing us to post her photos.

La Jota Moncadena
Mazurka Boholana

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day Party

We thoroughly enjoyed our Labor Day Sunday at the party in Leon. A big "thank you" to the host and hostess.  "Bravo" to the audience members who tried out Tinikling, and "thanks" to Cindy for the photos.

La Jota Moncadena
The hostess takes a turn
Guests try out Tinikling

Guests try out Tinikling

Sunday, August 8, 2010

FAAI Lechon Picnic 2010

Thanks to Lyndsay for the great photos!
La Jota Moncadena

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fil Am Pig Roast

We enjoyed performing at the Filipino American Association of Iowa's Lechon Picnic on July 31!  A big thank you to all who supported us.